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Director of Dax and Davies Energy Solutions

Alleyn Thomas founded Dax & Davies Ltd in 2005 and in 2015 set up Dax and Davies Energy Solution changing the business direction to take advantage of Alleyn’s previous experience in the power industry.  Alleyn graduated from The University of Manchester with a B Sc (Hons) and has worked in Engineering and Finance both as a business owner and as an employee. The aim of Dax & Davies Ltd is to help energy users, business or residential, identify the ways of controlling the amount and the cost of energy used. Reducing the amount of energy used will reduce the users carbon foot print, the trick is to identify where the reduction leads to a financial benefit too!  Dax & Davies provide cost justifications to show money saved and kilograms of carbon saved.


Director of Dax and Davies Energy Solutions

Alleyn Thomas founded Dax & Davies Ltd in 2005 and in 2015 set up Dax and Davies Energy Solution changing the business direction to take advantage of Alleyn’s previous experience in the power industry.  Alleyn graduated from The University of Manchester with a B Sc (Hons) and has worked in Engineering and Finance both as a business owner and as an employee. The aim of Dax & Davies Ltd is to help energy users, business or residential, identify the ways of controlling the amount and the cost of energy used. Reducing the amount of energy used will reduce the users carbon foot print, the trick is to identify where the reduction leads to a financial benefit too!  Dax & Davies provide cost justifications to show money saved and kilograms of carbon saved.

>>>>>>> origin/cneqtdna